Thursday, October 11, 2012

Surgery Day

First comes the paperwork
have to have that
then comes the sitting in the waiting room
glancing over at the coffee machine
 you wish you could have a cup
just one small cup

Your name is called
you meet the nurses 
and you answer all those questions
you already have answered previously.
you meet the doctor who is going
to make sure you are asleep 
before the surgery takes place
you are happy to meet this doctor

Then comes the "needle" nurse
and begins the search of a hundred veins
well, maybe not a hundred, but for me
it ended up ...3 tries then finally a good one,
she tapes the needle down, don't want 
it bumped into or messed with in any way
You feel a little sleepy waiting for everyone
you stomach growling...oh if only I could have
just a cracker or something...even a mint.

Here comes the Doctor
smiles and assures you 
nothing to worry about.
Finally you are escorted to the
operating room
Bright lights! Cold room!
so many different tools 
on a table next to you.
 you wonder which will
be used on you.
You are informed, this may sting
a little and then you will be going
to sleep...A Little?
excuse me...Ouch..
A little...o.k.well, seemed like
at least five minutes of burning
but then it's over.
you are off somewhere
while the doctor cuts into,
takes out of, sews up
or glues together
what was open and bleeding
moments before.
So good to have 
not been awake and alert
over all that.

You wake to a nurses' voice asking
are you awake yet? Your surgery
is all over. You slowly open your eyes.
thinking  to yourself
oh come on now
no way could the surgery be done
not yet, just got here.
The nurse takes your vitals
and deems you fit to go home.
Your doctor comes by
to tell you what all was  done
and gives you instructions
which you are totally going to forget.
Thank  goodness for them being written
and given to you to review
or you would most likely not have
the slightest clue what you are suppose to do.

Finally, you are picked up
and on your way home
and all you can think of 
is Why won't my eyes stay open?
as well as wow, am I starving!
nothing after midnight
that's rough.
You get yourself settled down
and once again...slumber land

You awaken to the reality
that the pain meds are wearing off
so you quickly find some more
before you really start to "feel" again.
You swallow your meds and wait
and hope they will bring you relief
as you sip 7 up and stare at the t.v.
not knowing what you are even
looking at you begin to fall asleep 
once more.
Just before closing my eyes
I think about all the surgeries
in the past and I realize how blessed
I am, still able to be here in this world
with my wonderful family
and amazing friends.
The phone rings, message left
wishing me speedy recovery
I think to myself, see? blessed
that 's  me.
Grateful, that also is me.
Surgery over with,
a bit more sleep perhaps
and tomorrow?
not sure. I only know this,
Tomorrow I will be thanking God
for allowing Angels to hold my hand
because I  have not a single doubt
they did...and still do.

surgery day thoughts, Oct. 11th 2012


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time is only relevant
if it is spent with the understanding
that everything we do and say
has an effect in one way or another

To waste even a moment
with violence, arrogance
with pettiness, greed 
racism, hatred, gossip
is like slapping the face
of whom many of us
call GOD.

Time is only relevant
if it is used with respect
and gratitude
for within each moment
there is the possibility
to achieve great things
to find our sacred authentic selves
and in others

Time is only relevant
if you do not stand still
within it
but rather move with sincere intention
towards all that is positive
and with the desire
to leave this world
a better place having been here.

Lorrie Salvetti  Oct. 4th 2012
I am amazed
at how remarkable
you really are
each day there seems
something new you say
or you do
that reaches in
and touches my soul

What a blessing
you have always been
and I can't imagine
anything I could love
more than I love you

You bring my heart warmth
you bring my days laughter
and compassion
you make me happy in ways
I never knew before
just being you
doing what you say and do

Sweet Angel of mine
daughter I love you so.

mama  oct. 4th 2012