Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Where Are Your Wings?

today if you feel depressed
remember, we all get that way
how can you be human and not
feel like this at times

so pamper yourself,be kind to yourself
and after that, know you are blessed
and try and see the beauty rather than the ugly
try and understand you are here for a purpose
and I doubt it has anything to do with being
a negative influence in the world or that you are here
simply to suffer and sacrifice

see what you are, really are
unique, important, stop ignoring your wings,
they are there, look for them, stop hiding them,
use not be content to remain grounded
when you have the ability to fly
so do it, least try.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Breast Cancer Survivor

I would willingly
go through all of it
all over again
if it meant my daughter
would not have to go through
the same thing one day

I would willingly
go through all of it
all over again
if no one had to do so

but all I can do
is continue to pray
and to hope for a cure
and to believe that one day
it will come
and that until that day
we all must remain
Angelic Warriors
swords in hand
Faith in heart
and forever remembering
those whose fight has ended

I would willingly
go through all of it again
if it meant it could keep
another from having to suffer
or lose the battle
but I remain
as many , just another warrior
another survivor
and as such
send out daily prayers
to everyone effected by breast Cancer
and to God I beg, please bring
a cure soon.
please Lord.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

So here we it is finally Christmas Day
daughter still fast asleep,remember when
she was small could not wait to get up
and see what Santa brought
now still waiting to open gift up
things sure do change don't they

one thing remains the same
family, friends, our faith in our Lord
and hopefully in one another
remains vital part of our lives
as it should be anyway

wishing everyone a magical Christmas
and a New Year that brings true and lasting

Most of all, I wish all of you Gods' grace
and mercy and blessings
and more love than you can imagine.

xmas 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

You Believe

You believe it will stop
never happen again
you believe it is somehow
your fault,yet you just can't
figure out exactly why

you believe it is just
a type of temporary insanity
that will soon pass
a bad memory that will fade like dust

you believe you should stay
for the children,for yourself,
for someone else
for all the reasons you can
come up with to justify
your reality

you believe
it's best not to make waves
that silence is golden
keep the family together
keep the secret at all cost

there was a time
when I was like you
I believed too
like so many, many others do

the bruises
the cuts
the broken bones
the shattered pieces
of lives that is touched by the hands of abuse

hard to believe
those same hands
once,long ago,brought passion
gentleness, a promise of joy
once reaching out to embrace
with respect and love
suddenly those same hands
striking out with a force that seems impossible
to live through
down,down,down again you fall
lost in a void of confusion,distrust,rage
sadness and pain
fear and uncertainty
what will each day or night bring
the all consuming ,endless nightmare
you can't seem to wake up from
you believe it will end
but hear won't , I promise you
it won't
not until you can speak the words
mean the words...enough, no more
not now, not ever again
silence is not golden
abuse is not acceptable
wounds do mend but scars still remain

you believe
it will stop
well, as one who has been there
and who walked beside others
who were there,
I beg of you, trust me, hear me
abuse of any type will not suddenly stop
unless it finally destroys you
or you finally, pray God, finally
get up ,stand up,face up,wake up
and walk.

there is no excuse
for abuse.