Saturday, July 18, 2015


You came into our lives
a hero ..scared away the mouse
that was taking over the house

your fur beautiful shiny black
your eyes greenish yellow 
our eyes reflected love to you
and always yours reflected it back.

21 years have passed us swiftly
and yesterday you had to leave us
we said our goodbyes 
as you closed those precious eyes

may God hold you in his arms
and Angels too
until the day we once again
can be with you.

Blessed Be Sweet Phoenix (cha cha rugga.) 
returned to Heaven JULY 17 2015

1 comment:

  1. We are all angels existing within these human vessels as we journey here on earth...embrace your sacred power seek and become your highest self...we are all connected ...separate yet eternally one...reaching towatds the day to return ...we are human but so much more...find your wings...and Soar. Blessed be
