Saturday, February 27, 2016


You are only
as free
as you allow
yourself to be

No matter
the circumstances
there are no prisons
able to hold you captive
nor darkness
that light is unable
to penetrate

it is within you
that power
that limitless ability
despite what is said
or done 
to you, around you
freedom waits

it is by your own hand
you unlock the doors
and by your own
magnificent wings
you are able to take flight

without a doubt
without a single doubt...
that your spirit
deserves to soar

...set yourself free

Blessed Be.

feb 26 2016

Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Mothers' Heart

Today marks nine years
since you returned home
to Heaven

It seems just recent and yet
like a lifetime 

I hear a song
I see something of beauty
I feel a warm breeze upon my face
and suddenly feel you with me

I often find myself weeping
followed by a feeling of peace
for I believe with all my being
that you are still with us
that you watch over us

There will never be a time
when I do not miss you
but I know one day
we will be together again
and untl that day
when I too return home
to Heaven... I send you long stem roses
from  the garden of my soul
and hold you  close with heart

I will always consider my first
melody to be the sweet beating
of "your" heart.

Blessed Be mama...I miss you and love you.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


You came into our lives
a hero ..scared away the mouse
that was taking over the house

your fur beautiful shiny black
your eyes greenish yellow 
our eyes reflected love to you
and always yours reflected it back.

21 years have passed us swiftly
and yesterday you had to leave us
we said our goodbyes 
as you closed those precious eyes

may God hold you in his arms
and Angels too
until the day we once again
can be with you.

Blessed Be Sweet Phoenix (cha cha rugga.) 
returned to Heaven JULY 17 2015

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wolf Women

As the evening
draws near
she becomes unable
to stay in one place

She is restless 
as she watches the sun set
and the darkness like a blanket
will soon cover the earth

She awaits the moonlight
and is ready to shed her tired spirit
longing to  embrace the endless night sky
with the wide open arms of her soul
She will not whimper
she will not go quietly down
she will not deny her needs

She wraps the warm breeze
around her bones
and she howls loudly
...her voice echos and her heart races
there is the sound of drums in the distance
she begins to dance
twirling in circles
lifting her eyes beyond the stars
her hands reach out and seek to grasp
each brilliant light above  her

the Wolf is her spirit guide
a mixture of calm and focus 
strength and courage 
She does not wander far from home
for she has no need to escape
only to feel the air upon her face
and the ground beneath her feet

she is in awe of Mother Nature
perfect and eternal
she is only one small rose
in a garden of millions
her heart beats harder, louder
like thunder and she is one with the wolf pack
as she closes her eyes and runs, faster and faster
until she is unable to run any further

sweet wolf spirit
once again has entered her world
taking her from mundane and totally human
obligations and necessary acts of ones life
and for just a little while
she is free...wild and animal
without worry without conditions, rules
without expectations ,demands, she is not perfection
she is not looking for approval or attention
she is simply "being"  
she howls and she dances and she runs free
her mind is far from places that demand proper
and strict obedience ...she howls she growls
she claws, she is at peace with the earth, and her 
sacred spirit
Night is still now
she returns to her refuge
to her pack
her hearts' chosen path
...she will always be a little bit wild
she will never be totally human
she will forever seek a balance of the two worlds

wolf woman
human woman
spirit and soul dancing under full moon light
as time stands still
to watch her

There is the sound of drums beating 
and of others who howl as well
there is no fear no sadness
no rules
only common ground
and generations of creatures such as these
who tell stories by fires burning
who chant and dance and embrace the earth
who climb mountains
and swim in cool rivers
and watch ocean waves come and go
...powerful are the ones who do not ignore
the wild one within them
knowing its a balance that should be sought
...we are sacred
we are blessed
we are many
we are one
  Blessed Be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Daughters Heart

I began to pray for you
so many years ago
knowing somewhere
you existed 
that somehow you would
find your way to her

It became my greatest wish
that when you found her
she would look into your eyes
and see not only "you"
but all her true beauty
in that moment understanding
that she was worthy and deserving
of someone very special

I knew that you would be searching
that you needed someone different
from those you have known before
someone who would see the strength
of your spirit and the gentleness of your soul

I long ago wished upon a star
for the blessing of a daughter
and when that wish came true
I knew the greatest of blessings
and the deepest love that I would ever know

I wanted for her to find her hero
her best friend
her companion for life
not just someone to spend time with
but to share "for all time" with
someone who would take her heart
and forever protect it
forever cherish it

all the years my prayers have included you
 finally here you are
the one who is exactly what I imagined
all that I believe is what will make her life complete
and so I thank God for you
and i thank you for finding her 
and for your love that you have chosen
to give to her

I already love you too
how can I not feel this way?
For you are the one and only
to have held the key 
to my beloved daughters heart. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tears of the Heart

no matter
how much
you love someone
or they love you
happens and suddenly
the one you want to share
everything with
is like a stranger to you
or you to them

It is a deafening sound
that of a heart that cries
tears not always seen
but nonetheless they fall
and as we struggle to find
a way back "home"
to eachother
we understand
that even if we do
it may never be quite
the same

It takes so much more
than what we first believe
in order for love to survive
the things that life can throw 
in its path
we find that we are able
to hold on only when there
is mutual effort and hope
when the tears fade
we are left either with
a new path that we can walk 
 without worry of the  ground 
giving way or we realize
there is no longer a reason to stay together
and far too many not to.

When the heart cries
the tears fall like rain
into the soul
and when the tears fade
we will have released the hand
of the one we love
and they ours
or we will find ourselves
holding more tightly then ever before
...take not lightly
the tears of the heart.


When the sun slips away
and the moon and stars
fill the night sky
I wonder where you are
at that very moment
and what you are doing

So many miles
between us yet I believe
that love is able to cross
those miles simply by a single thought
a memory, a song, or a mothers'
soft, simple whisper
I love you .

Each parent
must learn to let go
when their child
begins their own journey
it is by far the hardest thing
I have ever had to do

letting go while all the while
holding on , wanting her never
to doubt that I am close by
and that I know she is ready
to use her own wings now

I close my eyes
and can hear the flutter
of those precious wings
as they pass by
and my heart is comforted
for the love we share
is forever
and no measure of distance
can change that fact.
 aug. 3, 2013